
Journey Back to Health

Journey Back to Health

What is it that takes us from a state of disease one day to a state of good health some time later?

Constipation and Dietary Links

Constipation and Dietary Links

For many years, fat was the public enemy number one, but the Atkins and South Beach diets are blaming obesity on eating too many carbs.

Constipation - The question is, do you go every day?

Constipation - The question is, do you go every day?

As a general rule you should have at least one, preferably two bowel motions daily and not too far away from your meals either.

Blood Type Diet Part Two - The Blood Type A

Blood Type Diet Part Two - The Blood Type A

What makes me, me and you, you? This is the question that is at the heart of the genetic puzzle. It’s also central to our exploration of blood types, The key is genetic heritage which is the story of your life.

Ayurvedia styled home remedies for Coughs, colds, sinusitis, allergies and hay fever

Ayurvedia styled home remedies for Coughs, colds, sinusitis, allergies and hay fever

Taking care of sinusitis hay fever, coughs and colds can be expensive and take quite a dip into the bank balance with herbal remedies, vitamins and doctor’s consultations.

Medicinal Herbal Teas – just a cupful of herbs

Medicinal Herbal Teas – just a cupful of herbs

Making tea is an ancient tradition. Herbal teas have a long history of use in areas of traditional medicine worldwide.

Toxins – A Toxic Journey, By Alan Willoughby

Toxins – A Toxic Journey, By Alan Willoughby

I spent the summer of 2004-5 in the northern third of the South island, New Zealand on holiday with my wife. We returned a week early than expected because I became ill, possibly affected by toxins while staying in a camping ground adjacent to what is described by the local council as ‘the most contaminated site in the country’.

Teenage Period Pain & Bloating Help

Teenage Period Pain & Bloating Help

One common question that naturopaths hear quite often is: “My daughter suffers from severe bloating prior to her periods and quite often severe pain and cramping during the menstrual cycle. She is just 15 years old and tends to become very upset during this cycle. Her GP has suggested that she should start using a contraceptive pill to help prevent these symptoms, but we would like to, if possible try and help her without going to these lengths. She is not in a relationship and therefor we do not feel that the pill is quite appropriate”.

Natural Energy Boost

Natural Energy Boost

It is not unusual for one to have depleted energy levels and a general lack of get-up-and-go after a busy lifestyle, or holiday. Exhaustion and fatigue are usually caused from overindulgence, less desirable lifestyle habits, and a lack of B group vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and the mineral magnesium.