Natural Health Information Articles

Your Child's Immunity

Eric Bakker BHSc (Comp med) ND. RC Com, Integrated practitioner. Author. Pgs 54 -57 Healthy Options June 07.

Your Child's Immunity
Are you are concerned about your child’s poor immune status? Does he or she continuously get sick each autumn and winter season? Is there a recurrent cough, asthma or eczema condition occurring?

Many people ask what I recommend to help strengthen and protect children from getting serious infectious diseases. The main article will cover several important aspects of strengthening your child’s immune system.

The major function of a child’s immune system is to protect their bodies against common childhood diseases such as whooping cough, rubella, tetanus, typhoid, measles infections as well as from colds and the flu, along with hepatitis and herpes.  Reduced efficiency and poor performance of a child’s immune system has many causes, among which are the junk food diets, devitalised, chemicalised as well as antibiotic fed foods, environmental chemicals, medical drug use passive smoking, domestic issues and under-nourished or nutritional deficiency foods.

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