
Erratic Heart Rhythm and Food

Erratic Heart Rhythm and Food

That fluttering, hammering, erratic heartbeat that appears occasionally, that can take your breath away. In many cases, this erratic heart flutter mostly occurs at night while you’re lying down resting.

Vision Deterioration

Vision Deterioration

I am in my mid forties and am becoming concerned about my aging eye sight. I know that generally you can expect your eye sight to deteriorate with age, but would very much like for this not to happen, as I really do not want to have to wear glasses.

Helicobacter Pylori Infections

Helicobacter Pylori Infections

San Francisco, California. Many studies have shown that nearly all peptic ulcers (duodenal and gastric) are caused by an infection with the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria unless they are due to the over use of aspirin, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Lung Congestion and Sinus Treatment Remedy

Lung Congestion and Sinus Treatment Remedy

Using herbs for healing has been a normal medicinal treatment for centuries; that was, until the traditional recipes were removed from medical training around the 1950’s.

Post-Operative Candida

Post-Operative Candida

Whilst in hospital I was given intravenous antibiotics for three days followed by three weeks of very strong oral antibiotics. That’s when my post-operative problems began.

Adrenal Exhaustion

Adrenal Exhaustion

Do you suffer from adrenal exhaustion? It is difficult to assess just how many people suffer from poorly balanced adrenal-hormone exhaustion because the blood tests tend to come back normal.

Muscle Relief

Muscle Relief

You have just finished that extra exercise routine, or shifting those heavy boxes, perhaps spent more digging time in the garden or decided on an extra physical routine?

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is the primary sugar found in milk, and is a disaccharide (a double sugar molecule), comprising one molecule of glucose and one molecule of lactose.

Impetigo Skin Condition

Impetigo Skin Condition

I have a daughter living overseas who suffers from recurring bouts of impetigo so I asked a naturopath for help. Let me explain why I did.