


Endometriosis develops when fragments of functional endometrium tissue from within the uterus are found elsewhere in the body.

Stroke - Our Silent Epidemic

Stroke - Our Silent Epidemic

A stroke is a sudden interruption of blood flow to any part of your brain, causing damage and death to brain cells. Its effects can be devastating and may last a lifetime.

Depression and Amino Acids

Depression and Amino Acids

Contrary to popular belief, sugar does not rid the mind of depressive thoughts or depression moods. Turning to sugar foods for a quick fix only provides a short relief that is temporary, for a minute of two the adrenal sugar rush gives you a satisfying euphoria, but the resultant tiredness envelops you and the ‘feeling down in the dumps’ returns.

Eczema and Selenium

Eczema and Selenium

If you are a regular reader of Health Options past magazine and now website you will have read about the important trace element, selenium.

ABC First Aid Home Remedies

ABC First Aid Home Remedies

This First Aid selection is a list of home remedies for those human complaints that can develop into more major complaints, if not attended too straight away.

Spinal Treatments

Spinal Treatments

Client Question – when going to a chiropractor or osteopath for spinal treatments, how many consecutive treatments do you feel are generally necessary?



Osteoporosis affects one in three women over the age of 50. The World Health Organisation designated this as the second leading global health care problem after cardiovascular disease.

A Word in your Ear About Ear Infections

A Word in your Ear About Ear Infections

Ear infections commonly occur in children between the ages of three months and three years. The infection often begins from a primary inflammation from a developing sore throat, cold or cough, which then spreads to the middle ear.

Ginger Relief – as a Hot Toddy

Ginger Relief – as a Hot Toddy

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an excellent herb for the respiratory system. When taken in a tea or hot toddy, ginger can reduce the impact of colds and flus as well as relieving congestion.