
Tired of Insomnia?

Tired of Insomnia?

Counting one sheep, two sheep, three sheep - still not asleep? Ever find yourself counting endless hurdling sheep, reciting the alphabet or other objects in an attempt to fall sleep?

Himalayan Goji Juice

Himalayan Goji Juice

Known as the father of the nutritional revolution that swept the world, Dr Earl Mindell presents an authoritative figure who has moved the world in to a healthier consciousness, spoke on Himalayan lifestyles and Goji juice.

What do you mean a gluten free diet?

What do you mean a gluten free diet?

Black lines under the eyes, dreaming of bed while at work, being in bed by nine pm and fighting to get myself out of bed in the morning, were major indicators I was not in top health.

Bright Yellow Bowel Motions

Bright Yellow Bowel Motions

Q - I am a 55 year-old vegetarian, married with four adult children. Eighteen months ago, I developed definite symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome – diarrhoea, frequent motions, bloating, wind, distension and sometimes undigested foods in my motions.

Join the Food Revolution

Join the Food Revolution

Eating good healthy food should be one of the major ways of keeping ourselves healthy.

Food Intolerances, or is it Food Allergies?

Food Intolerances, or is it Food Allergies?

Childhood is the period of life when allergies to certain foods are most prevalent, but the majority of food allergies are outgrown as the child’s immune and digestive systems mature, often disappearing by the age of seven years.

A Sprig of Rosemary

A Sprig of Rosemary

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) is one of the famous herbs from folklore known for its virtue of making people more mentally alert.



Rather than being labelled a disease, constipation is a far too common health condition, which is experienced when evacuation of waste material from the colon is sluggish and stools have become hard and difficult to pass, thus making elimination of the bowel matter difficult and uncomfortable.

Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels

Back to Basics. According to reflexology, the body’s ‘bowel’ zones are situated in the heels of one’s feet reflecting the condition of the bowel.