Grass is the world’s most ubiquitous form of vegetation. There are over 9000 species of grass. From the outback “down under” to the one-inch artic tundra, wherever there is sun, water and soil, there is grass.
Grass is the world’s most ubiquitous form of vegetation. There are over 9000 species of grass. From the outback “down under” to the one-inch artic tundra, wherever there is sun, water and soil, there is grass. As a seed, all grasses start from grains like wheat, barley, oat, rye, and rice. Four of the world’s top five crops are grains/grasses and in concentrated form a health tonic..
For centuries, farmers have noticed how livestock improved when they fed on the young grasses of early spring. As a result, scientists started studying grasses in the 1930s in an effort to discover their nutritional mysteries and include the top varieties into animal feed.