Natural Health Information Articles

Wellbeing Through the Senses

By Nicky Vincent. Reiki master/Sensei. BodyTalk Therapist, SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy) and musical author for children. Pages 56-57 Healthy Options mag March 07.

Wellbeing Through the Senses
The basis of all disease is a lack of wholeness – the principle on which all holistic therapies are based. This includes aromatherapy where the overall aim is to bring the body and the mind into harmony through attention to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

In order to cure the human body it is necessary to have knowledge of the whole. –Hippocrates

What is wellbeing really all about?

There are so many self-healing and healing services that are available, so how do you choose which one? I think it’s about what you’re drawn to at the time. It’s strange sometimes how a chance encounter can set you in a new direction.

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