Home-made soups are so much more healthy, a natural low calorie food, but serve chunky vegetables and if you need to disguise the ingredients, whiz the soup in a food processor. Use homemade chicken and meat broth stock, not packeted variety as the packeted broths contain a lot of salt. A good bowlful will give them enough vegetables and pulses to satisfy their voracious appetite.
Food is a child’s chief pacifier by being sensible you can avoid the food becoming a health risk. In the main article is the list guidelines for helping you child avoid being overweight. For starters, do not be in a hurry to introduce them to starchy and carbohydrate food until they are at least two years old. The article ‘Baby Food’ will guide you. When it comes to food allergies avoid the commonly known food allergens which are normally food colouring, preservatives, soy sauce, cows milk, preserved meats and sugar substitutes.