
Why Detox for Weight loss?

Why Detox for Weight loss?

This is part of a trio of articles on detox. The article outlines the main reasons why toxins can make you fat and why herbal detoxification can trigger weight loss.

Vitamin B - Group and Deficiencies

Vitamin B - Group and Deficiencies

There are different types of B vitamins, which are generally found together as they work in conjunction with one another. B vitamins are water soluble with limited storage capacity, which means that you need most of them on a daily basis.

Understanding the Alkaline/Acid Balance

Understanding the Alkaline/Acid Balance

Paraben Paranioa - The Endocrine Disrupter

Paraben Paranioa - The Endocrine Disrupter

One of the most contentious and widely used synthetic preservatives is para-hydroxybenzoic acid alkyl ester, commonly known as paraben.

Looking at Osteoporosis

Looking at Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is an intriguing and largely misunderstood health condition. Intriguing because it turns out that it is not exclusively the domain of older women, it can strike woman as young as those in their mid 30’s. Osteoporosis is misunderstood because there are specific preventative measure that can be implemented to significantly minimise the damage this condition can inflict.

Hodgkins Lymphoma - Never give up hope, By Tracy Forrester

Hodgkins Lymphoma - Never give up hope, By Tracy Forrester

This is a personal story around a serious diagnosis, treatment, transplant and my following recovery story. My story begins in 2008. While working, I became dizzy and suddenly collapsed. I had suffered with fatigue earlier, but until now I had ignored it.

Hay Fever Fury - Homeopathic guidance

Hay Fever Fury - Homeopathic guidance

Have you ever peeled an onion? Of course you have and what happens to you when you do start peeling? Your eyes start to sting and burn and become watery. Your nose starts to tingle and run. Sounds a lot like hay fever symptoms to me and it’s no coincidence that one of the top homeopathic remedies for hay fever is Allium Cepa – the red onion.

Hidden Dietary Phosphate Toxins

Hidden Dietary Phosphate Toxins

Hidden toxins in our food are emerging as a link to chronic health disorders, health disorders which are increasing in epidemic proportions, disorders such as behavioural problems, learning difficulties, weight problems, bone disorders and chronic allergies.

Strokes - Ongoing Healing

Strokes - Ongoing Healing

Recognise a stroke - Strokes are the third largest killer and the major cause of adult disability, yet one in three people cannot recognise the early signs of a stroke. A leading cause is high blood pressure caused by a poor diet and lifestyle, with factors such as smoking, stress and a lack of exercise.