It all began with a rather healthier than usual period when I was 37 years of age. Two years later, my periods had got worse so I was so anaemic that I was gasping for breath by just walking up steps, let alone trying to run.
Selenium Deficiency - an unbalanced health impediment
Selenium is an element present in soils in varying amounts throughout the world, but volcanic soils such as those in New Zealand are particularly low in this important trace element.
Losing Your Hair? - then consider holistic help principles
There are so many choices available for beauty treatments, there’s botox, skin treatments, mini facelifts and diet after diet to keep today’s society beautiful and youthful.
What makes me, me and you, you? This is the question that is at the heart of the genetic puzzle. It’s also central to our exploration of blood types, The key is genetic heritage which is the story of your life.
Ayurvedia styled home remedies for Coughs, colds, sinusitis, allergies and hay fever
Taking care of sinusitis hay fever, coughs and colds can be expensive and take quite a dip into the bank balance with herbal remedies, vitamins and doctor’s consultations.