Natural Health Information Articles

Suffering from Sinusitis Issues - Part Two

Exerts from - Suffering from Sinusitis Part two. Eric Bakker, medical naturopath, author and Dr Janice Ann Priest, author ‘Can You remember What to Take’ book pg 251. Pg 50-53 Healthy Options mag, April 07.

Suffering from Sinusitis Issues - Part Two
Chronic sinusitis is probably one of the most common chronic complaints in many developed countries in the world today. Like most immune-related complaints, its incidence has been increasing steadily over the past few decades. Chronic sinusitis is probably one of the most common chronic complaints in many developed countries in the world today. Like most immune-related complaints, its incidence has been increasing steadily over the past few decades.

In this article we will discover some of the most effective treatments for helping sinusitis. Part one was all about signs and symptoms in both situations recurring sinus infections is something many people can relate to, which seems to be literally epidemic, just by hearing the sniffing and snorting during spring season, while others seem to permanently need tissues, sneeze often and have weepy eyes. Tips and remedies featured in the main article 


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