Natural Health Information Articles

Reflexology – Walking on a cloud

Reflexology – Walking on a cloud
What is Reflexology? The study of the reflection of the body is in the feet, hands and ears with the scientific principle that there are reflex areas accessible through skin pressure, which correspond to particular glands, organs, muscle groups and parts of the spine.

The sense of wellbeing after a reflexology treatment is fabulous.

As reflexologists, we believe treatments can affect the mind, body and spirit. Reflexology treatment helps to stimulate the body’s natural healing process, allowing the person to achieve physical and emotional wellbeing through the method of deep relaxation during therapy. Reflexology is often utilised as a preventative health care measure or is applied in conjunction with conventional or other complementary health care methods as it strengthens and enhances the efficiency of organs and medications. Reflexology also recognises the value of relaxing the physical body.

So how does that work? Refer to the main article.

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