Natural Health Information Articles

Planning to get Pregnant?

Planning to get Pregnant?
Any successful animal breeder can tell you that the best offspring results occur when they ensure that both prospective parents receive precise nutrients and are in optimum health at the time of conception. However, ‘breeding’ human beings generally leave this important stage of life to chance, without any more preparation than perhaps to stop the contraceptive pill and take some folic acid each day.

Dietary and lifestyle factors for both parents have been clearly shown to influence the health of the child and the ability to conceive successfully. While it has been officially accepted that a deficiency of folic acid can cause spina bifida, scientific evidence also shows that a number of birth abnormalities are due to nutrient deficiencies and toxins from the diet or environment – factors, which we can largely be in control of.

In the same way as you might spend several months preparing other major steps in your life, such as getting married or buying a house, so too should you plan ahead for a healthy baby. For at least four months prior to a planned conception (the time it takes for new sperm to mature, 90 days for eggs), both parents should consume good quality food and water and obtain optimum levels of nutrients. They should also take measures to minimise their exposure to their intake of toxins and anti-nutrients using natural and safe alternatives.

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