Natural Health Information Articles

The Midlife Crisis Feeling

By Kerri Tilby. Motivational story reported by Dr Janice Priest Pgs 30-31 Healthy Options mag Nov 06.

The Midlife Crisis Feeling
So how do we get off the treadmill and begin to believe that money doesn’t buy you happiness? For most of us it is about choice and the belief that money buys us options. Sure, having money means you can choose between a Mercedes or a Porsche, but even without money you have a choice - you can choose to be happy right now or not. Choosing happiness is not something you buy, it is something you create and feel.

A generation ago the term ‘midlife crisis’ conjured up images of 55+ year-old man buying a red sports car and wearing a toupee. Today, the stakes are higher and people as young as in their late twenties are falling apart because they feel as though they have missed out on life, or worse, they are scared that they will. Twenty-five plus year olds are stressing out about having a flash house they don’t need, or even want and feel they will never have. There’s a constant drive to do better and have more – just in case. People are so caught up preparing for a ‘one-day’ something’ that they are forgetting to enjoy and make the most of what they have right now.

The main article has tips to see you through these challenging times.

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