Natural Health Information Articles


By NZ Herb Federation Pg 19 Healthy Options mag. March 07.

Manuka possesses a wide variety of actions and indications. It is probably most famous for its powerful antibacterial and antifungal actions, which have been well investigated in laboratory studies. It has been shown to be effective against some 200 different types of bacteria, including the notorious methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus oureus (MRSA).

Manuka (leptospermum scoparium) is one of the most popular New Zealand native herbs. Various parts of the manuka shrub or tree were used by Maori for a large number of health complaints. The use of manuka leaf as a substitute for tea by sailors on board the first English ships to visit New Zealand led to its acquisition of the name ‘Tea Tree’. Manuka and the closely related kanuka however, are quite distinct from the well-known ‘Tea Tree’ of Australian Melaleuca alternifoliaand other Melaleuca species. All of them are from the same Myrtacese family and share some medicinal properties.

More information and recipes in the main article.

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