I will try and explain as best as I can an alternative approach to the condition Irritable Bowel Syndrome is commonly known as IBS. An irritable bowel can be painful and perplexing condition as there is no known anatomical cause.
A simple irritable bowel from a specific food allergy is different from irritable bowel syndrome disease (IBS), which is a general term for a group of diseases involving the gut-wall inflammation. IBS involves actual physical changes associated with the gut-wall that can be noted on any diagnostic laboratory tests. So irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is divided into two major groups: Chrohn’s disease and ulcerative Colitis. Chrohn’s disease can be diagnosed accurately with a barium swallow and ulcerative colitis with a barium enema. Both allows the observation of the characteristic inflammatory changes of the bowel wall.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome in general can cause a wide range of bowel symptoms and is generally accompanied by fatigue and arthritic symptoms. This can affect one’s life-style and mental state along with being generally debilitating. The condition tends to be worse when in situations that cause stress of any kind.