Natural Health Information Articles

Insidious Insomnia

Insidious Insomnia
Minka Fuhs, director of the Holistic Learning Institute in Vienna, Austria, says: “Sleeplessness is a serious problem. Nearly 40 per cent of all people over 40 years of age suffer from sleeping disorders and even the number of children sufferers rise constantly. A body that does not relax properly is endangered because of increased potential of elevated blood pressure and heart attack. Insomniacs may endanger others because of the lack of concentration that can precipitate accidents. If we sleep right, it helps us to stay healthy and recover from our daily challenges”.

Is your insomnia acute and related to a specific upset? Such as working night shift, losing a job, relocating, especially jet lag, having been ill or grieving the death of a loved one. If you do not nap, try to recapture lost sleep by lounging or otherwise overwork and overstressing yourself. If you have not experienced overwhelming upsets, but still cannot sleep, what can you do? Now is the time to confirm some of the sleep depriving culprits you have suspected, identify more elusive ones, then employ some common sense tips and discover some natural solutions to a sweet sleep.

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