Holistic pulsing touches within us in response to that rocking. The exciting edge is that while we have always known that rocking works, we don’t necessarily know why in a way that satisfies the demands of a science approach.
Holistic pulsing has been in the background of traditional medicine for decades, but a growing interest means this treatment is on a wave of enthusiasm into mind, body therapy. Mind, & body medicine meets traditional healing.
Holistic pulsing (HP) belongs to a loose grouping of hands-on-healing methods called ‘structural integration’ therapies. It includes a combination of Tragerwork, Hellerwork, Cranio-Sacrial Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Alexander Technique, feldenrais and Rolfing. The founder of Holistic pulsing, Tovi Browning was a cranial oesteopath. Like many other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities, pulsing techniques have evolved over the years, but the core premise has remained constant as a deep level release beneficial therapy.