Natural Health Information Articles

Holistic Pulsing

Holistic Pulsing
Holistic pulsing touches within us in response to that rocking. The exciting edge is that while we have always known that rocking works, we don’t necessarily know why in a way that satisfies the demands of a science approach.

Holistic pulsing has been in the background of traditional medicine for decades, but a growing interest means this treatment is on a wave of enthusiasm into mind, body therapy. Mind, & body medicine meets traditional healing.

Holistic pulsing (HP) belongs to a loose grouping of hands-on-healing methods called ‘structural integration’ therapies. It includes a combination of Tragerwork,  Hellerwork, Cranio-Sacrial Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Alexander Technique, feldenrais and Rolfing. The founder of Holistic pulsing, Tovi Browning was a cranial oesteopath. Like many other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities, pulsing techniques have evolved over the years, but the core premise has remained constant as a deep level release beneficial therapy.

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