Natural Health Information Articles

Herbs for Flavour

Herbs for Flavour
So what herb would you like to choose to add to your cooking? First choose a range of herbs that you enjoy using. Buy the plant from your local nursery and re-pot into a larger container, or plant in the garden close to your kitchen.

Herbs have long been used to add flavour and taste to our food. Growing your own fresh herbs is easy, inexpensive and all you need is a sunny spot in the garden or maybe on a deck.  If space is really limited, a spot by your doorstep is just fine for a pot of herbs. Most herbs need six – eight hours sunlight a day to thrive, the exception is mint as this plant will happily thrive in a shady damp spot almost anywhere. You also need to remember to add water and good compost. Herbs flourish with plenty of water and regular adding of soluble fertiliser, especially for those in a pot, to keep your herbs fresh and healthy. If your herbs start to look at leggy, cut them back to encourage fresh new leaves, but what do you add to what food? More in the main article.

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