Natural Health Information Articles

Heartburn - A fiery reflux subject

Heartburn - A fiery reflux subject
Heartburn, otherwise known as reflux, refers to the rise of stomach acids into the oesophagus, which irritates, then burns its lining, hence the breathtaking pain. It is more likely to occur after you bend down after a large meal, or when you eat in a hurry.

If there are large amounts of gas formed in the stomach during and or after a meal then this is more likely to cause the rise in stomach acids.

Whenever there is ‘wind’ or gas in the stomach in the upper abdominal area then you need to improve the ability of the stomach to digest foods properly. Digestion starts in the mouth with the production, whilst chewing of salivary amylase which breaks down starch. Therefore, the very first improvement you can make is to chew your food thoroughly.

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