Natural Health Information Articles

Cervical Cancer & HPV

Article by Sue Claridge. Pges 33-35. Healthy Options mag Oct 06. Refer Pg 269 Vaginal Irritations. ‘Can You Remember What To Take’ book

Cervical Cancer & HPV
One of the striking things about vaccination programmes is that, rather than admit that vaccines are not prefect, those who promote vaccines act like they will solve everyone’s health problems. No-one bothers to tell parents what else they can do to protect their children.

The Ministry of Health announced in 2006, that the medicines regulatory authority, Medsafe had approved the vaccine Gardail® for girls as young as nine years of age. So what can this vaccine do and what are the risks?


It is long believed that cervical cancer was associated with sexual intercourse and currently the human papilloma virus (HPV) is believed to play a major role in the development of cervical cancer. However, HPV is not sufficient to induce cervical cancer on it’s own, there are other factors such as herpes simplex virus type 2 infections, cigarette smoking, vaginal douching, poor nutrition and use of oral contraceptives have all been proposed as contributing factors.

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