Natural Health Information Articles

Cancer – The Supplements

By Eric Bakker. Clinical Integrated Medical Naturopath, Author, Lecturer. Comp Med.ND.RC Home. Pg’s 54-57 Healthy Options mag. Oct 06.

Cancer – The Supplements
You will need to be careful with cancer and supplements and avoid certain minerals which may be detrimental in cancer- copper and iron are potentially pre-oxidants, as they may accelerate free radical damage, as opposed to antioxidants, and are angliogenic which may potentially allow tumours to develop new blood vessels.

Welcome to the final series on my cancer articles. I am very impressed with how many kiwi’s are creating their cancer with the successful combination of natural medicines and oncology. I have heard many positive and inspiring stories, and seen cancer patients with improving health from natural medicines.


This article focuses on specific supplements for cancer and why I recommend them.

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