Natural Health Information Articles

Cancer Fraud

Dr Janice ann Priest. CNHP. MDH. DSc. Naturopathic doctor. Author, chairperson Healthy Options Charitable Trust. Pges 10 -11 Healthy Options mag, June 06.

Cancer Fraud
Preventing the disease is non-profitable and only benefits the patient. A solution to cancer would mean the termination of research programmes that triumph over cancer would dry up contributions to self-perpetuating organisations and cut off funding from government sources.

“Orthodox treatment for cancer has failed the public. Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people that support them” - Linus Pauling PhD. Two-time Nobel Peace Prize winner. Cancer is now known as the second major cause of death in Western countries. Why is this after decades of scientific research? More in the main article.

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