Imagine being able to turn a well-known cancer fighting vegetable into a concentrated nutritional powerhouse by magnifying its life-giving power by up to 50 times. Well, that is exactly what happens with broccoli sprouts.
An intensely tasty sprout with a hint of pepper and radish taste, broccoli sprouts are commercially available in both standard and organic options or can be easily sprouted from seed at home. However, it is important to avoid using heat-treated seed as this does not sprout as well and may produce disappointing results.
Research shows that broccoli contains concentrated amounts of powerful chemo-protective compound called sulphoraphane glucosinolate (SGS). Broccoli sprouts are increasingly recognised as one of the most potent food based anti-carcinogens available. SGS is a naturally occurring plant compound found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts that when broken down to its active form sulphoraphane acts as a long lasting antioxidant that detoxifies carcinogens in the body. Broccoli sprouts contain up to 50 times more sulphoraphanes than adult broccoli heads and are routinely used by scientists investigating the numerous health benefits of this well documented broccoli compound. Along with providing proven protection against cancer, a regular intake of sulphoraphane in broccoli spouts has also been shown to help prevent a range of other conditions including ulcers, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and strokes.
More research studies in the main article.