Natural Health Information Articles

Blood Sugar Control and Diabetes: Are you out of whack?

By Geoffrey Flint. Pgs 46-47 Healthy Options mag Nov 06.

Blood Sugar Control and Diabetes: Are you out of whack?
The best medicine is prevention. This means a healthy weight, regular exercise and a daily healthy diet to stabilise blood sugar and insulin levels, with the long-term goal of maintaining an appropriate glycaemic response, based on the amount and rate of sugar released into the bloodstream after eating foods.

Could you be affected by the world’s fastest growing disease and currently New Zealand’s sixth leading cause of death? It is estimated that about 125,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes and potentially a similar number have this complaint and don’t realise it. It is estimated that more than 7500 people will be newly diagnosed with diabetes this year and more than 1700 deaths will be attributed to this epidemic. With this complaint that we are facing you will want to become familiar with diabetes symptoms because chances are if this blood sugar epidemic doesn’t affect you it will almost certainly affect someone you know. Find out more in the main article.

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