
Food Cravings Research: What Creates Cravings by Linda D. Kyle MA. Author
Identifiable health concerns can be corrected with high quality supplements and the belief has arisen that cravings, too, share this aetiology. In Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century, Mr Mindell suggests that a number of cravings are driven by nutrient deficiencies, but Marcia Pelchat of Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, says “Food cravings do not reflect the wisdom of the body”.

Microwaves: The question is - are they safe To use?
The common reasons why so many people use a microwave is for quick, easy cooking and secondly to save the power bill. It is widely believed that a microwave can save your energy, but a study by the Canadian Government showed that you only save a grand total of $10 a year in electricity costs if you use a microwave instead of a conventional oven. Only 30-40% of the energy used is actually used to cook the food, the rest is wasted.

Cancer and Vitamin C
The focus of this article is on vitamin C for the treatment of Cancer. For many years it was thought that a person only required 20mg of vitamin C each day in order to prevent scurvy. Government agencies still suggest that 60mg of vitamin C per day is enough for adults. The fact is that most of us do not get enough vitamin C in our daily diet. Where does vitamin C come from primarily?

Prevention: Cure or Disease
Preventing and curing are two very definitive and emotional terms that are commonly used, but often misapplied in today's quick fix, look-good-feel-good society. In regards to well-being or illness, the term prevention and cure as well as treat are the domain of the medical and pharmaceutical industries. But what do they mean?
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