Preventing and curing are two very definitive and emotional terms that are commonly used, but often misapplied in today's quick fix, look-good-feel-good society. In regards to well-being or illness, the term prevention and cure as well as treat are the domain of the medical and pharmaceutical industries. But what do they mean?
Ron Law's Public Health Perspectives
Preventing and curing are two very definitive and emotional terms that are commonly used, but often misapplied in today's quick fix, look-good-feel-good society. In regards to well-being or illness, the term prevention and cure as well as treat are the domain of the medical and pharmaceutical industries. But what do they mean?
We are told that vaccinations prevent disease, and yet when vaccinated children (and adults for that matter) get the disease against which they were vaccinated authorities say, well, vaccination is only 60%, 70% to 80% effective.