
Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners

Who is most at risk? Anyone on a low carb fad diet who is consuming products labelled ‘sugar-free’, ‘diet’, ‘lite’, or ‘low carb’, is at risk. Diabetics are put between a rock and a hard place because they are forced to avoid sugar, but the question is, do we really need that sickly, sweet taste so badly? The fact is, that if eating sugar is a health problem, then abstaining is the best way to overcome it and over time that additive urge for the sweet taste diminishes.

Neck Muscle Relief

Neck Muscle Relief

Spasmed muscles are often not painful to begin with, but will be noticed when the inability to move the area, whether neck, limb or back, through its normal full range of movement increases. A common stress area is usually manifested in our necks and can be caused by emotional problems at work or home, unless specific work muscles are being repeated.

Testosterone – Masculinity Under Seize

Testosterone – Masculinity Under Seize

Testosterone is regarded as the male hormone. It is a steroid hormone that encourages bone and muscular strength, the development of male secondary characteristics and production plus development of sperm that is mobile, well shaped and eager to go.

Take Care of your Skin

Take Care of your Skin

Cleansing and moisturizing will counteract the effects of drying, chapping and roughening caused by wind, sun and other environmental conditions and can help in speeding up the skin’s defoliating renewal process. However, skin care products are not the only answer to skin problems, certainly, not by no the means the ‘miracle’ products you see advertised.

Polycystic Kidney Disease - Question & Answer

Polycystic Kidney Disease - Question & Answer

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder characterised by the growth of numerous cysts, predominantly in the kidneys, but also occurring in other organs such as the liver and pancreas.

Backache - Part One

Backache - Part One

Poor posture is one of the most common causes of back problems. Incorrect posture can either bring on an immediate pain or cause tension that accumulates slowly over long periods of time.

Chinese Sports Medicine Formulations - Part II: Formulations and  Recipes

Chinese Sports Medicine Formulations - Part II: Formulations and Recipes

What we like about Chinese herbal sports medicine is that the body seems to absorb what it needs from the specific herbal formulation. This is because, in any Chinese herb formula there is a balance between the herbs themselves, the harmonisation between the injury and the treatment which is the reason a single formula can be supplied to more than one type of injury.

Do You Really Need to Diet?

Do You Really Need to Diet?

In our society the word ‘diet’ has become a word that is understood to be synonymous with restricted and sacrificial food menus, constraint and self-denial of eating privileges.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - A Personal Story

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - A Personal Story

My battle with chronic fatigue syndrome started in 1977 when I was in Pakistan and got sick with what felt like the flu. After a few days in bed I felt better, but still very weak and one afternoon I fainted in the middle of a busy footpath in Karachi.