Pet Obesity – Animal advice
There has never been an animal existing in the wild that is obese and yet about one-third of all pet dogs and one in 10 cats are overweight. Obesity is a pathological condition characterised by the accumulation of fat, much in excess of the fat required for optimal body health.
Gardening In the Dry Weather
Having the extreme of either too much or too little water in our gardens can be hazardous to growing plants. While the exact amount is ideal, today’s unpredictable climatic conditions means that rain isn’t guaranteed and that the right amount of water will arrive to sustain your plants and lawns. Therefore we have to prepare ourselves with every scenario if we want to maintain a healthy looking garden.
Iodine - The Sea Mineral You Need
Iodine is probably one of the most deficient mineral in common foods in the soil of some countries, in their soil. Certainly, a common deficiency in New Zealand, Afghanisatan, Australia, Ghana, Guatemala, Hungary, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea and mid Scotland, whilst a total of 54 countries are considered low on a global scale.