Nature provides us with a rich array of foods which are full of specific nutrients that help to boost ones nutritional and physical uptake. What is helpful is to know what food specifically supports certain areas of the body, or any ailment you may be experiencing.
Comfrey is a plant that has been used medicinally for hundreds of years, with various names such as Knitbone, Boneset and Bruisewort reflecting its healing properties. In the middle-ages it was a well known remedy for broken bones.
Eating disorders carry the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric condition and are notoriously hard to treat. If an eating disorder doesn’t kill, it can leave a painful legacy of long lasting medical complications, affecting bones, heart, hair and skin.
With the rapid and alarming increase in breast cancer along with the amount of money and effort put into treating breast cancer to no avail, perhaps it is time to take another look at the issues involved.
Are you are concerned about your child’s poor immune status? Does he or she continuously get sick each autumn and winter season? Is there a recurrent cough, asthma or eczema condition occurring?
When sprouting, avoid using containers made from soluble toxic metals, such as copper, iron and aluminium, even Teflon. Anything else is generally okay, though I prefer you use various size glass containers.
Holistic pulsing touches within us in response to that rocking. The exciting edge is that while we have always known that rocking works, we don’t necessarily know why in a way that satisfies the demands of a science approach.