
Ten Ways to De-Stress Exams - set yourself up for success

Ten Ways to De-Stress Exams - set yourself up for success

There is no way around it, exam time is challenging both mentally and emotionally, however there are things you can do to support yourself. The key is to make conscious choices so that your thoughts, words and actions are aligned with your intentions.

A Dying Breed - On Infertility

A Dying Breed - On Infertility

Talking to my mother, who is well into her 90’s, I was surprised to learn that none of her sisters, none of her brothers wives, none of her large extended family and none of her friends or any body she knew in her church ever had trouble getting pregnant.

Irritable Bowel Solutions - Helpful Herbs

Irritable Bowel Solutions - Helpful Herbs

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (commonly called IBS) is a condition that affects the entire gastrointestinal tract. It alters intestinal modality resulting in phases of diarrhoea alternating with constipation and sometimes accompanied by pain. Women are affected three times more often than men, starting from the teenage years onwards.

Understanding the Alkaline/Acid Balance

Understanding the Alkaline/Acid Balance

Hay Fever Fury - Homeopathic guidance

Hay Fever Fury - Homeopathic guidance

Have you ever peeled an onion? Of course you have and what happens to you when you do start peeling? Your eyes start to sting and burn and become watery. Your nose starts to tingle and run. Sounds a lot like hay fever symptoms to me and it’s no coincidence that one of the top homeopathic remedies for hay fever is Allium Cepa – the red onion.

Bedwetting - Helping kids stay dry

Bedwetting - Helping kids stay dry

For some kids their bladder hasn’t yet learnt to really stretch enough to hold big amounts of urine during the day, so at night their bladder can’t stretch enough to hold all the wee it needs to stay dry. In other kids, their kidneys make too much urine at night as their brain connection hasn’t learnt to slow down.

Kids Bumps and Bruises

Kids Bumps and Bruises

Bumps and bruises are a common occurrence that we deal with as parents and it is good to have a first aid kit stocked with some essential homeopathic remedies for those moments of childhood injury and shock.

Attack of Nerves

Attack of Nerves

Picture this – you’re waiting outside the exam room, your hands are clammy and shaking slightly. Questions are going round and round inside your head. Will I be able to answer anything? Have I done enough study? The butterflies in your stomach are lumbering around like elephants.

Childhood Tantrums

Childhood Tantrums

There is that moment in time when your child, or the child you are looking after is building up for a tantrum. Every child at some stage of there childhood (even as an older child) will throw a tantrum. A tantrum is when a child exhibits an uncontrollable physical, emotional outburst of noisy, sometimes tearful and frustrated bout of anger called a temper tantrum when they also stamp their feet or throw items around.