
Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast cereals purchased in health stores are no better than those purchased at the grocery stores. They may not contain sugar or artificial colourings, but these cereals are made by the same process and often in the same factories as the cereals sold at the supermarket.

Ways To Get Your Child’s Weight Down

Ways To Get Your Child’s Weight Down

Home-made soups are so much more healthy, a natural low calorie food, but serve chunky vegetables and if you need to disguise the ingredients, whiz the soup in a food processor. Use homemade chicken and meat broth stock, not packeted variety as the packeted broths contain a lot of salt. A good bowlful will give them enough vegetables and pulses to satisfy their voracious appetite.

First Line of Defence - Wash Your Hands!

First Line of Defence - Wash Your Hands!

We have reached a point in time when these organisms have become dominant and some are impossible to control with known drugs. Many of our schools, universities, factories and hospitals have become breeding grounds for the spread, and it has been suggested that a ‘back to basic’ tactic could be a start towards improving standards in the community and at home.

Travel Tips

Travel Tips

Continual Colds & Sore Throats - Naturopathic Help

Continual Colds & Sore Throats - Naturopathic Help

One of the best and fastest methods I know of to treat a sore throat is to obtain some propolis extract, not the lozenges, and put one to two drops directly on the back of the throat two to three times day.

MSG and the Munchies

MSG and the Munchies

Armed with the knowledge of the correlation between MSG and obesity, a bill to protect food companies from litigation in the US takes on a whole new meaning. Known as the cheeseburger Bill, the legislation protects the seller of food from civil liability where it may be claimed that an individual’s weight gain was as a consequence of long-term consumption of a certain food.

Baby Food - Why Babies Should Not Eat Starch

Baby Food - Why Babies Should Not Eat Starch

So okay, I hear some readers wondering, if we don’t feed our infants baby rice, baby cereal, baby porridge, mashed potato, kumara, bread, pasta, noodles, crackers, biscuits, rusks and other starches, then what the heck do we feed a baby instead? That is an easy answer, give them primarily vegetables and fruit, topped up with some protein.

Learning Barrier - Irlen Syndrome

Learning Barrier - Irlen Syndrome

Children and adults with Irlen Syndrome put more energy and effort into the reading process, whether it be the words, numbers or musical notes, because they see the printed page differently from a proficient reader

ADHD Recovery

ADHD Recovery

The beauty of my son’s recovery story is that he essentially healed himself. I may have taught him what he needed to know, but as a non-custodial parent, I did not have the liberty to apply alternative medicine to my son, nor take him to an alternative doctor.