
What Nuts Are Healthier?

What Nuts Are Healthier?

Most tree nuts are a good source of fibre which helps to lower blood cholesterol and maintain regular bowel function. They are also rich in arginine, which helps prevent clotting and keeps blood vessels open. However, their nutritional makeup varies from one nut family to another.

Cod Liver Oil - A Smoothing Alternative

Cod Liver Oil - A Smoothing Alternative

Say the words cod-liver oil to someone, and chances are you will be met with expressions of revulsion at how anyone could willingly consume something so vile.

Lung Congestion and Sinus Treatment Remedy

Lung Congestion and Sinus Treatment Remedy

Using herbs for healing has been a normal medicinal treatment for centuries; that was, until the traditional recipes were removed from medical training around the 1950’s.

Vibrational Medicine

Vibrational Medicine

Tomorrow’s medicine will no doubt be increasingly reliant on vibrational medicine

Your Dental Health

Your Dental Health

A naturopathic approach to the health of teeth and gums

Flu Vaccine

Flu Vaccine

Each year, we witness the yearly marketing campaign to invite everyone to have the ‘flu vaccine’. I often hear the same question: ‘Should I have a flu vaccine shot or not?’.

Medical Errors

Medical Errors

According to the NZ District Health Boards 2006 report, three times as many people died from medical error than the annual road toll. Safe & Quality use of Medicine (SQM) spokesperson Dr Dwayne Crombie stated: ‘that they are aware of the level of medication errors is hugely significant’.

Covid-19 Safety

Covid-19 Safety

The New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre (NZPhvC) released a news item, published on the Te Tanu Hauora Health & Safety Commission’s website on 4th April 2024, welcoming insights and experiences on the theme of COVID-19 and medication safety.

Muscle Relief

Muscle Relief

You have just finished that extra exercise routine, or shifting those heavy boxes, perhaps spent more digging time in the garden or decided on an extra physical routine?