
High Blood Pressure – Part One

High Blood Pressure – Part One

We all know somebody with high blood pressure (BP), but do they know? According to statistics, one in five people have high BP. In America only 60% are aware of their high blood pressure and only 27 per cent actually have it under control.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder

After months of debilitating pain, my naturopath explained that my frozen shoulder involved inflammation of the shoulder capsule, which results in a very stiff shoulder with a very limited range of motion and a dull aching type of pain.

Maca Root - The Peruvian energy food

Maca Root - The Peruvian energy food

The humble maca root has grown wild in the Peruvian Andes for many centuries, a place that is noticeable for the diverse plant life that grows in the nutrient rich soil.

Toxic Thoughts

Toxic Thoughts

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly talking to yourself in your head. Your thoughts race through your mind providing a commentary on anything and everything, including yourself.

Iodine - The Sea Mineral You Need

Iodine - The Sea Mineral You Need

Iodine is probably one of the most deficient mineral in common foods in the soil of some countries, in their soil. Certainly, a common deficiency in New Zealand, Afghanisatan, Australia, Ghana, Guatemala, Hungary, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea and mid Scotland, whilst a total of 54 countries are considered low on a global scale.

High Blood Pressure - Part 2

High Blood Pressure - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this series on high blood pressure. In this article we will be looking at some of the best natural medicines to treating BP issues. At first we looked a little more closely at the emotional connection with BP.

Blood Type Diet, Part One - the Blood Type O

Blood Type Diet, Part One - the Blood Type O

Have you ever wondered why some people are able to lose weight on a particular diet while others are not? Why some people are plagued by poor health while others seem to live healthy, vital lives even later in their life?

Selenium Deficiency - an unbalanced health impediment

Selenium Deficiency - an unbalanced health impediment

Selenium is an element present in soils in varying amounts throughout the world, but volcanic soils such as those in New Zealand are particularly low in this important trace element.

Losing Your Hair? - then consider holistic help principles

Losing Your Hair? - then consider holistic help principles

There are so many choices available for beauty treatments, there’s botox, skin treatments, mini facelifts and diet after diet to keep today’s society beautiful and youthful.