Strokes - Ongoing Healing
Recognise a stroke - Strokes are the third largest killer and the major cause of adult disability, yet one in three people cannot recognise the early signs of a stroke. A leading cause is high blood pressure caused by a poor diet and lifestyle, with factors such as smoking, stress and a lack of exercise.
Do you have flatulence (Wind)?
There is nothing wrong with farting, we all do it, but do you feel like you may have too much gas or wind? I’ll bet it is because of fermentation going on in the inside your digestive system. Having flatulence is normal in bed, when you lie down the gas can easily escape through the anus, but if you pass wind when you are upright, you have a considerable amount of fermentation going on and I would suspect either a candida problem or dysbiosis in general.
Candida albicans - Part One
Check Your Symptoms - Part One focused on two major causatives factors such as antibiotics and alcohol. This issue we look at a few home tests you can determine your Candida status and some case examples. Part Three is about suitable eating plan and how to get rid of these bugs tso you can return to a normal level.
Cancer Treatment - The Right To Choose
This is a personal story of one mother’s battle with her daughter’s diagnosed cancer and the challenge of different types of treatment. In June 2004, my 13 year old daughter Kestra was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphatic cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma. This disease, we were professionally informed, usually presented itself in adults, but very rarely in children. At the time of the diagnosis Kestra’s medical records listed no previous illnesses, as she was the youngest of four healthy children.