
Gate-crashing Hormones – Take them to Task

Gate-crashing Hormones – Take them to Task

Hormones – we either love them or hate them. However, no matter what you do, you cannot live without them and neither can you allow them to ruin your life. Most women may only think about menopause and PMS when it comes to hormone imbalances, but there are so many other conditions that are hormone-related too.



Osteoporosis affects one in three women over the age of 50. The World Health Organisation designated this as the second leading global health care problem after cardiovascular disease.

Good Fats and Bad Fats

Good Fats and Bad Fats

‘Fats’ get a bad name, but not all fats are bad for us, even when you want to lose weight. Some are in fact ‘essential’ to good health metabolism, which means we must consume them on a regular basis. So what are they?

Sipping Sole – a living food source

Sipping Sole – a living food source

Definition of sole: a fully saturated solution of water and crystal salt. The water becomes saturated when it no longer dissolves any more salt.

A Word in your Ear About Ear Infections

A Word in your Ear About Ear Infections

Ear infections commonly occur in children between the ages of three months and three years. The infection often begins from a primary inflammation from a developing sore throat, cold or cough, which then spreads to the middle ear.

Ginger Relief – as a Hot Toddy

Ginger Relief – as a Hot Toddy

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an excellent herb for the respiratory system. When taken in a tea or hot toddy, ginger can reduce the impact of colds and flus as well as relieving congestion.

Buying a Healthy House

Buying a Healthy House

People with sensitive health issues can be affected by the home environment that they live in, sometimes they feel that the only option to improve their health is to shift to a new house.

Wheatgrass - Nature’s Finest Medicine

Wheatgrass - Nature’s Finest Medicine

Grass is the world’s most ubiquitous form of vegetation. There are over 9000 species of grass. From the outback “down under” to the one-inch artic tundra, wherever there is sun, water and soil, there is grass.

Vapour & Steam Treatment - Back to Basics

Vapour & Steam Treatment - Back to Basics

Why Prepare a Decongestant Vapour? A decongestant is useful for decongesting the lungs from the irritants that aggravate chest colds and flus, causing breathing difficulties. A decongestant vapour relieves the restriction and tightness caused by chest complaints and is the ideal treatment for conditions like bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma right through to the sniffles with runny mucous.