
Ear Candling

Ear Candling

This article is about the really simple use of ear candling that is a gentle and effective solution to the build-up of ear wax.

Picking Up Cancer Early

Picking Up Cancer Early

One often wants to know if it is possible to pick up cancer in the body early well before the condition affects the overall health of a person.

Insulin – Balancing Blood Sugar

Insulin – Balancing Blood Sugar

Insulin resistance and Syndrome X is estimated to affect at least 60 per cent of the population, so it is about how to help one balance the blood sugar and insulin levels and to improve insulin sensitivity.



Breezing through the wheezing.



Most people tend to suffer from indigestion particularly on celebration days, or during festive holidays when too much good food is consumed.

Colonic Therapy

Colonic Therapy

The colon is like your second mind telling us when it is time to eat and time to go to the toilet, so we may as well keep this mind response clear to promote overall wellness

Exit Head Lice

Exit Head Lice

Head lice aren’t fussy about whose hair they live in, all they are attracted to is a home to breed.

Stomach Ulcer Solutions

Stomach Ulcer Solutions

The main article is full of solutions and guidelines for stomach ulcers and prevention tips.

Sex Drive Challenges

Sex Drive Challenges

At some stage one can have low libido, mainly from outside stress factors, poor diet, overworking conditions, money worries, stress or from grief, but what if many of these conditions are not the issue?