
Attention Deficit Disorder ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder ADD

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), is a diagnosed behavioural disorder which appears as inappropriate short attention spans and impulsively and which may or may not be associated with hyperactivity (ADHD).

Flu Vaccine

Flu Vaccine

Each year, we witness the yearly marketing campaign to invite everyone to have the ‘flu vaccine’. I often hear the same question: ‘Should I have a flu vaccine shot or not?’.

Medical Errors

Medical Errors

According to the NZ District Health Boards 2006 report, three times as many people died from medical error than the annual road toll. Safe & Quality use of Medicine (SQM) spokesperson Dr Dwayne Crombie stated: ‘that they are aware of the level of medication errors is hugely significant’.

Covid-19 Safety

Covid-19 Safety

The New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre (NZPhvC) released a news item, published on the Te Tanu Hauora Health & Safety Commission’s website on 4th April 2024, welcoming insights and experiences on the theme of COVID-19 and medication safety.

Nail Health

Nail Health

Your hands can reflect your general health condition. One’s hand and nails can indicate the state of our health and indicate any psychological wellbeing.

Adrenal Exhaustion

Adrenal Exhaustion

Do you suffer from adrenal exhaustion? It is difficult to assess just how many people suffer from poorly balanced adrenal-hormone exhaustion because the blood tests tend to come back normal.

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is the primary sugar found in milk, and is a disaccharide (a double sugar molecule), comprising one molecule of glucose and one molecule of lactose.

A Good Reason Not to Take Drugs

A Good Reason Not to Take Drugs

An Auckland energy worker who uses Aura Soma therapy has treated young people who have used drugs. “Using drugs destroys the energetic protection around people”, says the former social worker turned trained healer who asked not to be named in order maintain client integrity.

Muscle Relief

Muscle Relief

You have just finished that extra exercise routine, or shifting those heavy boxes, perhaps spent more digging time in the garden or decided on an extra physical routine?