Ways To Get Your Child’s Weight Down
Home-made soups are so much more healthy, a natural low calorie food, but serve chunky vegetables and if you need to disguise the ingredients, whiz the soup in a food processor. Use homemade chicken and meat broth stock, not packeted variety as the packeted broths contain a lot of salt. A good bowlful will give them enough vegetables and pulses to satisfy their voracious appetite.
First Line of Defence - Wash Your Hands!
We have reached a point in time when these organisms have become dominant and some are impossible to control with known drugs. Many of our schools, universities, factories and hospitals have become breeding grounds for the spread, and it has been suggested that a ‘back to basic’ tactic could be a start towards improving standards in the community and at home.
Urine - The Water of Life
It’s often hard to start urine therapy, but when you notice the changes in your wellbeing and a reduction in the chronic symptoms that have bothered you for years, then the therapy will easily become your preferred medicine. It is a cost effective treatment that could not only save lives but has the potential, if adopted, to be a preferred treatment which would reduce the enormously costly existing medical system.
Suffering from Sinusitis? Part 1
What are the most common dietary allergies as far as sinuses are is concerned? They include the mucous producing dairy products, especially cows milk and ice cream, but also foods such as bananas, breads, biscuits, pasta, noodles, processed breakfast cereals and refined sugars such s sweets. Protein rich foods seem to be all right.
MSG and the Munchies
Armed with the knowledge of the correlation between MSG and obesity, a bill to protect food companies from litigation in the US takes on a whole new meaning. Known as the cheeseburger Bill, the legislation protects the seller of food from civil liability where it may be claimed that an individual’s weight gain was as a consequence of long-term consumption of a certain food.