Birth Interventions
The main issue is the philosophical difference between midwives and obstetricians. Midwives view pregnancy and the natural process of birthing as a normal part of life’s passage. They rely on their intuitive skills, hands, eyes and ears plus hearts, whereas obstetricians believe their technology to be more accurate, effective and reliable than any human can be.
Breast Thermography
This emphasis is on early detection, especially in young women where breast cancers are more invasive, is the goal of any breast-screening programme. Thermal imaging would fulfil this role, with ideally, every woman having a baseline thermogram before their first pregnancy and, if normal, a comparative thermal imaging every few years or after any unilateral breast changes are discovered.
Menopausal Woes
Most hormonal type herbs work via the pituitary gland and help to balance and stimulate the body. They do not actually contain hormones in the same way as orthodox hormonal medications do, rather the herbs help the body to continue normal changes long after periods have ceased, however one may need to take the herbs for some time for the full effect.
Chinese Sports Medicine Formulations - Part II: Formulations and Recipes
What we like about Chinese herbal sports medicine is that the body seems to absorb what it needs from the specific herbal formulation. This is because, in any Chinese herb formula there is a balance between the herbs themselves, the harmonisation between the injury and the treatment which is the reason a single formula can be supplied to more than one type of injury.
Planning to get Pregnant?
Dietary and lifestyle factors for both parents have been clearly shown to influence the health of the child and the ability to conceive successfully. While it has been officially accepted that a deficiency of folic acid can cause spina bifida, scientific evidence also shows that a number of birth abnormalities are due to nutrient deficiencies and toxins from the diet or environment – factors, which we can largely be in control of.