
Adrenal Exhaustion

Adrenal Exhaustion

Do you suffer from adrenal exhaustion? It is difficult to assess just how many people suffer from poorly balanced adrenal-hormone exhaustion because the blood tests tend to come back normal.

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is the primary sugar found in milk, and is a disaccharide (a double sugar molecule), comprising one molecule of glucose and one molecule of lactose.

Muscle Relief

Muscle Relief

You have just finished that extra exercise routine, or shifting those heavy boxes, perhaps spent more digging time in the garden or decided on an extra physical routine?

Impetigo Skin Condition

Impetigo Skin Condition

I have a daughter living overseas who suffers from recurring bouts of impetigo so I asked a naturopath for help. Let me explain why I did.

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

Do we blame ourselves for any increase in blood pressure? High blood pressure (hypertension) is a condition that is more prevalent in Western cultures, mainly from poor dietary habits. The cultures that are remote and follow their traditional diets have very little incidence of high blood pressure, even in advanced ageing.

Advice for Arthritis

Advice for Arthritis

Arthritis and rheumatic health problems tend to increase in severity during the winter months often due to a decreased level of exercise, an increase in more dense rich foods and of course the added cold temperature.



Cataracts is one of the most common eye disease conditions and are the leading cause of blindness, worldwide, mainly for adults over the age of 55 years of age.

Eye Infections & Homeopathic Remedies

Eye Infections & Homeopathic Remedies

Styes along with conjunctivitis are two of the most common acute eye conditions, besides eye strain.

Skin Irritations

Skin Irritations

In many cases skin irritations are caused by contact with a particular substance, such as strong or highly perfumed soap, washing powders and liquids, cheaper costume jewellery, cat or dog fur, powder paints, cements etc.