
Cow’s Milk- to drink or not?

Cow’s Milk- to drink or not?

This is an article on an Ayurvedic perspective on the pros and cons of consuming dairy products. There are so many angles to consider , as the ancient Ayurvedic texts see milk as a very healthy food, which explains why the saying ‘milk is good for you’, but there are cautions to be made.

Do you have Breast Lumps?

Do you have Breast Lumps?

Most women have a lump in their breast at some stage in their lives, particularly before the menstruation period, when normal breast tissue, under the influence of hormones, is more likely to become prominent and lumpy.

Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids

This article is all about healthy eating snacks for those of an early age. Foods that are not processed, have chemical additives, too much sugar or salt.



Your naturopathic help. Question: I have, for years been bothered by adhesions in my lower abdominal areas. These have formed since having a hysterectomy in my late thirties.

Choosing Edible Flowers

Choosing Edible Flowers

Once you learn how versatile certain flowers can be, your culinary skills will surpass your wildest dreams; a scattering of dandelion leaves will brighten up a plan green salad; a few gladioli petals will add colour and a certain taste of its own to a favourite dip.

Parasite Cleanse

Parasite Cleanse

The Oxford dictionary defines parasites as an animal or plant which lives inside or upon living ‘hosts’. They come in many forms of worms such as pinworms or threadworms, to tiny unseen microscopic parasites.

Beneficial Weeds

Beneficial Weeds

The garden gate is thrown wide open to welcome the new season with enthusiasm.

Good Eating Habits during Early Childhood

Good Eating Habits during Early Childhood

What you choose to feed your child during the first few years of life will directly influence their growth and development, intelligence, energy, moods and resistance to disease.

Homeopathy for Babies

Homeopathy for Babies

Over those first few months you may be feel worried and nervous when your baby starts to cry, which can be often when they have with wind, or if cranky with teething.