Cancer – The Supplements
You will need to be careful with cancer and supplements and avoid certain minerals which may be detrimental in cancer- copper and iron are potentially pre-oxidants, as they may accelerate free radical damage, as opposed to antioxidants, and are angliogenic which may potentially allow tumours to develop new blood vessels.
Breast Thermography
This emphasis is on early detection, especially in young women where breast cancers are more invasive, is the goal of any breast-screening programme. Thermal imaging would fulfil this role, with ideally, every woman having a baseline thermogram before their first pregnancy and, if normal, a comparative thermal imaging every few years or after any unilateral breast changes are discovered.
Reiki Therapy & Bioenergetic Bodywork
An ‘energy tightspot’, is where the energy flow has been restricted and is the result of an impulse to express something. The drive of the body is always for expansion, this is what all living things do and as a growing life-force before adulthood, our drive is to experience and learn all we can.
Osteopathy – Myths and Misunderstandings
Osteoporosis particularly affects the richest nations of the world. It will take major changes in our food habits and lifestyle to prevent the leaching of bone calcium, thereby allowing us to preserve the precious stores of calcium we already have in our bones.