
Akeake (Dodonaea viscosa)

Akeake (Dodonaea viscosa)

Akeake, is a hardy coastal shrub, or small tree that is a relative to the Titoki tree. It contains cyanolipids, which releases hydrogen cyanide, not only in the leaves but also in the flowers and fruits.

Kinesiology - the World of Muscle Testing

Kinesiology - the World of Muscle Testing

Many years ago, people thought the world was flat because that was what they saw around them. In the same way, when people witness muscle testing for the first time and they are uncertain how it works, they might judge it as ‘weird’.

Vision Deterioration

Vision Deterioration

I am in my mid forties and am becoming concerned about my aging eye sight. I know that generally you can expect your eye sight to deteriorate with age, but would very much like for this not to happen, as I really do not want to have to wear glasses.



The herb Marjoram is a regular pantry item in most households.

Helicobacter Pylori Infections

Helicobacter Pylori Infections

San Francisco, California. Many studies have shown that nearly all peptic ulcers (duodenal and gastric) are caused by an infection with the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria unless they are due to the over use of aspirin, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Dental Amalgam Sham

Dental Amalgam Sham

Dr. Cutress, Director of Dental Research for the Wellington School of Medicine was asked in 1995 by Hon Jenny Shipley, the then Minister of Health, to investigate recent research on amalgam used in dental fillings, and to invite me, Dr Godfrey, to contribute to the investigation.

Cancer Therapy

Cancer Therapy

In order to treat cancer, natural therapies perform a body cleanse to make the bodies metabolic system strong and better able to fight the disease.

Herbals for Radiation Therapy Patients

Herbals for Radiation Therapy Patients

Berne, Switzerland. Radiation therapy is highly detrimental to the immune system and may be accompanied by weight loss, a reduction in physical activity and general deterioration in quality of life.

Goat’s Milk for Infants

Goat’s Milk for Infants

Goat’s milk is an ideal food for babies, toddlers, children and adults.