
Beneficial Weeds

Beneficial Weeds

The garden gate is thrown wide open to welcome the new season with enthusiasm.

Good Eating Habits during Early Childhood

Good Eating Habits during Early Childhood

What you choose to feed your child during the first few years of life will directly influence their growth and development, intelligence, energy, moods and resistance to disease.

Homeopathy for Babies

Homeopathy for Babies

Over those first few months you may be feel worried and nervous when your baby starts to cry, which can be often when they have with wind, or if cranky with teething.

Beauty from the Pantry

Beauty from the Pantry

Beauty Salons offer a bewildering variety of treatments. To make this confusion greater, almost every day another skin care product is launched. A good number of these cosmetics flooding the market are synthetic-based and can do us more harm in the long run.

Acupuncture and my Family

Acupuncture and my Family

Two and a half years ago, when my son was seven months old, I was introduced to acupuncture, which was the best thing that could have happened to our, then, struggling family. Until that day, I had always relied on our doctor and drugs for any condition or ailment that came our way.

French fries linked to Breast Cancer

French fries linked to Breast Cancer

Research published in the on-line edition of International Journal of Cancer suggests French fries to be linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.



Soil contains a great diversity of macro-organisms (worms, ants, etc) and micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, algae and yeasts). The soil provides anchorage and support for plants which take nutrients and water from it.

Medical Misadventure-Term replaced

Medical Misadventure-Term replaced

From 1 July 2005, the term ‘medical misadventure’ was replaced by a new category called ‘treatment injury’ for medical misadventure claims lodged with ACC.

Erratic Heart Rhythm and Food

Erratic Heart Rhythm and Food

That fluttering, hammering, erratic heartbeat that appears occasionally, that can take your breath away. In many cases, this erratic heart flutter mostly occurs at night while you’re lying down resting.