
Dietary Substitutes Recipes
As creatures of habit we become used to eating certain foods in our daily diet, but often for health reasons a major change to our dietary routine has to be made. If we do make food changes often we are left feeling challenged as to what to buy and eat. A change in our diet does not have to be devastating as there are tasty and healthy alternatives to our many food staples.

Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is quite common, so why are so many people reacting to lactose based foods? The answer lies is the inability of the digestive system to absorb and utilise lactose, the predominant sugar in cow’s milk. After all it is a food that is intended for growing calves not humans. Goat’s milk is the nearest milk tolerated by humans.

A Narrative on Aging
How one ages and why some age quicker than others are discussions that interest many of those over 40 years of age. Some say exercise is the answer, some say special diets, meditation, living stress free, one’s genetics, but often the prime factor is overlooked- and that’s one gut microbiome, the good guys in gut health.