
Suffering from Sinusitis? Part 1

Suffering from Sinusitis? Part 1

What are the most common dietary allergies as far as sinuses are is concerned? They include the mucous producing dairy products, especially cows milk and ice cream, but also foods such as bananas, breads, biscuits, pasta, noodles, processed breakfast cereals and refined sugars such s sweets. Protein rich foods seem to be all right.

Do You Know Your Blood Type?

Do You Know Your Blood Type?

“Most people who are already healthy should notice an increase in energy, better digestion and an overall feeling of wellbeing. Those with health issues can expect to see a gradual improvement in their condition as they follow the blood type diet” says Dr D’Adamo.

Travel Tips

Travel Tips

Iatrogenesis - A Question of Trust

Iatrogenesis - A Question of Trust

Unlike other causes of death, iatrogenic deaths are not accurately recorded by any government department. In Australia, for example, they are not listed in the most common cause of death published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Continual Colds & Sore Throats - Naturopathic Help

Continual Colds & Sore Throats - Naturopathic Help

One of the best and fastest methods I know of to treat a sore throat is to obtain some propolis extract, not the lozenges, and put one to two drops directly on the back of the throat two to three times day.

MSG and the Munchies

MSG and the Munchies

Armed with the knowledge of the correlation between MSG and obesity, a bill to protect food companies from litigation in the US takes on a whole new meaning. Known as the cheeseburger Bill, the legislation protects the seller of food from civil liability where it may be claimed that an individual’s weight gain was as a consequence of long-term consumption of a certain food.



Manuka possesses a wide variety of actions and indications. It is probably most famous for its powerful antibacterial and antifungal actions, which have been well investigated in laboratory studies. It has been shown to be effective against some 200 different types of bacteria, including the notorious methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus oureus (MRSA).

Baby Food - Why Babies Should Not Eat Starch

Baby Food - Why Babies Should Not Eat Starch

So okay, I hear some readers wondering, if we don’t feed our infants baby rice, baby cereal, baby porridge, mashed potato, kumara, bread, pasta, noodles, crackers, biscuits, rusks and other starches, then what the heck do we feed a baby instead? That is an easy answer, give them primarily vegetables and fruit, topped up with some protein.

Menopausal Woes

Menopausal Woes

Most hormonal type herbs work via the pituitary gland and help to balance and stimulate the body. They do not actually contain hormones in the same way as orthodox hormonal medications do, rather the herbs help the body to continue normal changes long after periods have ceased, however one may need to take the herbs for some time for the full effect.