
Your Hair Reveals Health Secrets

Your Hair Reveals Health Secrets

Common symptoms of existing heavy metals can include headaches, metallic taste in the mouth, hyperactivity, poor memory, mood disorders, aggression, cramps and fatigue.

Check Your Hair Health

Check Your Hair Health

Hair analysis is particularly useful in assessing toxic mineral levels and heavy metals. Although much more research is needed to understand some of the well-known trace minerals that are paramount in balancing health and disease, a hair analysis is a useful method of documenting some of the lesser-known trace minerals.

Tips on Taking Supplements

Tips on Taking Supplements

Are you drinking enough water? You will find that by drinking between six-eight glasses per day you can obtain greater benefit from your supplements and herbs, even if the herb is made with the water.

Nikki’s Tips for Vegetarians

Nikki’s Tips for Vegetarians

To add flavour combine rice and beans together, turmeric and black pepper, leafy greens and tomatoes, oatmeal and water, green tea with a slice of lemon, avocado and toast, garlic, onion with brown rice and salsa and guacamole.

Cancer – The Supplements

Cancer – The Supplements

You will need to be careful with cancer and supplements and avoid certain minerals which may be detrimental in cancer- copper and iron are potentially pre-oxidants, as they may accelerate free radical damage, as opposed to antioxidants, and are angliogenic which may potentially allow tumours to develop new blood vessels.

True Medicine and the Art of Living

True Medicine and the Art of Living

As grandmaster William Cheung stated: ”There is no pathology, there is only the art of living”. If you want to make a change in your life and become healthier and happier, you need to discover this art - but in the context of the West.

Food Foundation - Bridging the Gap

Food Foundation - Bridging the Gap

If we consider the promoted, but simplified version of the ‘Healthy Food Pyramid’ mentioned previously, we are supposed to get the bulk of our nutrients from breads and cereals, preferably whole grains.

Reiki Therapy & Bioenergetic Bodywork

Reiki Therapy & Bioenergetic Bodywork

An ‘energy tightspot’, is where the energy flow has been restricted and is the result of an impulse to express something. The drive of the body is always for expansion, this is what all living things do and as a growing life-force before adulthood, our drive is to experience and learn all we can.

Plant Pioneers

Plant Pioneers

It was the missionaries of Spanish Colonial America who first observed the impact of fever tree had on malaria in local native people and this highlighted the value of plants as medicine to non-indigenous people.